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Suffering from severe COPD/emphysema?
Discover a new life with the Zephyr® Valve Procedure.

Have you been diagnosed with COPD, take your medications, but still have severe shortness of breath that prevents you from doing simple daily activities? Now there is a bronchoscopic treatment option that can help once medications alone are no longer controlling your symptoms well.

Zephyr Valves are clinically proven to help severe emphysema patients breathe easier, be more active, and enjoy a better quality of life.1


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If you are taking daily medications for your symptoms and still have shortness of breath and cannot do simple daily activities, call a Zephyr Valve Specialist to see if this treatment may be an option to help you.

  • A Zephyr Valve Treating Center can perform eligibility tests and provide treatment if you qualify.
  • An Assessment Center can perform eligibility tests and then, if you qualify, you can visit a Zephyr Valve Treating Center to have the procedure.

Please email for information on treating centers

*Center requires physician referral, no self-referrals accepted

*Center requires physician referral, no self-referrals accepted

The Zephyr Valve is not another medication or surgery that requires cutting or incisions. It is a bronchoscopic procedure that uses a bronchoscope to place tiny valves in your airways. Watch this video to see how the procedure works.


In the LIBERATE pivotal clinical trial, at one-year, the patients who received the Zephyr Valve experienced the following benefits compared to patients on medications alone1:

Severe Emphysema and COPD Treatment Options

Breathe easier due to improved lung function

Severe Emphysema and COPD Treatment Options

Could do more exercise and walk farther


Could do more daily life activities, such as walking, bathing, and gardening

Severe Emphysema and COPD Treatment Options

Enjoyed a better quality of life with more energy

Severe Emphysema and COPD Treatment Options

Felt more confident leaving their home


Complications of the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve treatment can include but are not limited to pneumothorax, worsening of COPD symptoms, hemoptysis, pneumonia, dyspnea and, in rare cases, death.1
