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Use the Map Below to Find a Zephyr® Valve Trained Physician

  • A Zephyr Valve Treating Center can perform eligibility tests and provide treatment if you qualify.
  • An Assessment Center can perform eligibility tests and then, if you qualify, you can visit a Zephyr Valve Treating Center to have the procedure.

Providence Pulmonary and Sleep Clinic

Dr. Jiten D. Patel

117.51 Miles Away

Program Coordinator: Jana Jensen

509-498-3455 Text me the Number

University of Washington Medical Center

Dr. Michael Mulligan, Dr. Douglas Wood

118.35 Miles Away

Program Coordinator: Diane Lockhart, RN, BSN

206-279-6630 Text me the Number

A Zephyr Care Team Member will answer and assist you.

Virginia Mason Medical Center - Pulmonary Department

Dr. Steve Kirtland, Dr. Luke Seaburg

118.64 Miles Away

Program Coordinator: Scott Cleman, RN, Brittany Allen-Crum, Program Coordinator

206-279-9966 Text me the Number

A Zephyr Care Team Member will answer and assist you.

Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital - Legacy Medical Group

Dr. Jordan Fein

179.54 Miles Away

Program Coordinator: April Matthews

503-213-4626 Text me the Number

Peacehealth Riverbend

Dr. Khuram Ameen

266.24 Miles Away

Program Coordinator: Brie Anderson

541-612-7924 Text me the Number

*Center requires physician referral, no self-referrals accepted

*Center requires physician referral, no self-referrals accepted

The list of physicians generated by the locator on this page is based on the proximity to the ZIP code or state entered in the search box.

This list was created to support people who want to learn more about the Zephyr Valve by helping connect them to physicians who have demonstrated certain criteria and interest in providing care with assessment for and/or treatment with Zephyr Valves. See full list of Treating Physician and Assessment Center Criteria.

Pulmonx does not verify or monitor the credentials, licenses, or qualifications of any physician or treating center listed on the locator and is not responsible for any medical advice given by the physicians included on this locator. Pulmonx disclaims liability for any decisions made or actions taken based on information on this locator.

Inclusion of a physician or treating center on the locator does not mean that Pulmonx recommends or endorses the physician or treating center. Similarly, the exclusion of a physician on the locator does not mean that physician is not qualified or experienced with Zephyr Valves.

Hear from Zephyr Valve Trained Physician

The results have been dramatic in the sense that not only are they more functional, they’re essentially given a new lease on life.

– Dr. Bobby Mahajan *

*Dr. Mahajan is a paid consultant for Pulmonx Corporation. Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

Hear from Zephyr Valve Trained Physician

The results have been dramatic in the sense that not only are they more functional, they’re essentially given a new lease on life.

– Dr. Bobby Mahajan *

*Dr. Mahajan is a paid consultant for Pulmonx Corporation. Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

Join the Others Who Changed Their Lives with the Zephyr Valve Procedure
