Jim’s Story
“The whole family went to Cape Cod again this summer and I had no problem walking to the beach each day. My severe emphysema is not holding me back anymore.”
Procedure Details:
Age at Treatment: 76
Hospital: Temple Health
Date of Procedure: April 12, 2019
Jim’s Story
“The whole family went to Cape Cod again this summer and I had no problem walking to the beach each day. My severe emphysema is not holding me back anymore.”
Procedure Details:
Age at Treatment: 76
Date of Procedure: April 12, 2019
Hospital: Temple Health
Life Before Zephyr® Valves:
I was first diagnosed with emphysema 10 years ago. The crazy thing is I went through high school, college, and worked for a decade before I even held a cigarette.
Before emphysema I had a full life. We raised a family, traveled, golfed, and I had a full career. In the early stages it was manageable, but as time went on, even with medication, the disease began to impact my quality of life.
I had always been an avid golfer, often hitting the green several days a week, but about three years ago, the emphysema won, and I had to stop. In the last few years even small activities like taking the trash out or carrying the groceries from the car was difficult.
Our annual family vacation to Cape Cod became challenging. Some days I couldn’t make the 200-yard walk from the house to the water. I would stay back while the family went to the beach. The disease cut short many of our retirement dreams. My wife and I had planned to visit our granddaughter in Italy. We even laid out the itinerary, but my health was too fragile to take the trip.
We’d get invited to parties but standing and talking for long periods would cause me to lose my breath. It was embarrassing. This disease takes a toll on you both physically and mentally. I started playing the blame game. I thought to myself “no one did this to me but me.” I just felt defeated.
There are not enough words to express how grateful I am for all the love and support my wife gave me while I was struggling with COPD. I was unable to do so many tasks around the house that then became her job. Never did my wife complain, not even once. This disease is terrible for the patient but makes life very hard for the caregivers too.
My golfing partner is a physician and he first told me about the Zephyr Valves while it was in clinical trial. We followed the progress of the trial and as soon as the valves were FDA approved, I knew I wanted to try them.
I truly feel like this procedure gave me a second lease on life. This summer I was able to get back on the golf course. My wife and I are traveling again and we are even starting to think about taking some overseas trips.
– Jim
Life After Zephyr Valves:
The procedure went very smoothly. I had no complications and felt the improvement right away. I remember feeling a difference when they transferred me from the procedure table to my recovery bed.
In just a few months’ time, the difference was dramatic. At my six-month visit after the valves, I had a complete set of lung function tests done. When you compare those results to my pre-valve testing, it is hard to believe it’s the same person.
Since having the valves, I am leading a much more active retirement. Almost every day my wife and I walk a 2.3-mile loop at our local mall. I laugh when I tell people I am a “mall walker” now but it is amazing compared to life before receiving the valves, when just a short walk to the mailbox was hard.
I truly feel like this procedure gave me a second lease on life. This summer I was able to get back on the golf course. My wife and I are traveling again and we are even starting to think about taking some overseas trips.
I am back to doing the things I enjoy in life including spending time with family. We have a son and daughter and five grandchildren. We also have one great-grandson and we enjoy him so much. The whole family went to Cape Cod again this summer and I had no problem walking to the beach each day. My severe emphysema is not holding me back anymore.
I was excited to share my story to give others hope and make sure they know that there is another option now that can help you get your life back.
Results may vary.
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
¹Criner, G et al. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2018; 198(9):1151‒1164.
What is the Zephyr Valve procedure?
The Zephyr Valve has been shown to help patients breathe easier, do more, and enjoy life.1
Despite taking the best available medications, many patients with severe COPD/emphysema suffer from hyperinflation of their lungs where air becomes trapped in the lungs, preventing fresh air from entering and thereby causing severe shortness of breath.
The Zephyr Valves reduce lung hyperinflation by allowing trapped air to escape and preventing new air from entering that diseased lobe. This allows the healthier parts of the lung to function better and results in patients being able to breathe more easily and experience less shortness of breath.
The valves are placed via bronchoscopy, with no incision or cutting, so these benefits are achieved without the risks of traditional surgical options. The procedure is usually complete in under an hour.
Complications of the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve treatment can include but are not limited to pneumothorax, worsening of COPD symptoms, hemoptysis, pneumonia, dyspnea and, in rare cases, death.
Life Before Zephyr® Valves:
I was first diagnosed with emphysema 10 years ago. The crazy thing is I went through high school, college, and worked for a decade before I even held a cigarette.
Before emphysema I had a full life. We raised a family, traveled, golfed, and I had a full career. In the early stages it was manageable, but as time went on, even with medication, the disease began to impact my quality of life.
I had always been an avid golfer, often hitting the green several days a week, but about three years ago, the emphysema won, and I had to stop. In the last few years even small activities like taking the trash out or carrying the groceries from the car was difficult.
Our annual family vacation to Cape Cod became challenging. Some days I couldn’t make the 200-yard walk from the house to the water. I would stay back while the family went to the beach. The disease cut short many of our retirement dreams. My wife and I had planned to visit our granddaughter in Italy. We even laid out the itinerary, but my health was too fragile to take the trip.
We’d get invited to parties but standing and talking for long periods would cause me to lose my breath. It was embarrassing. This disease takes a toll on you both physically and mentally. I started playing the blame game. I thought to myself “no one did this to me but me.” I just felt defeated.
There are not enough words to express how grateful I am for all the love and support my wife gave me while I was struggling with COPD. I was unable to do so many tasks around the house that then became her job. Never did my wife complain, not even once. This disease is terrible for the patient but makes life very hard for the caregivers too.
My golfing partner is a physician and he first told me about the Zephyr Valves while it was in clinical trial. We followed the progress of the trial and as soon as the valves were FDA approved, I knew I wanted to try them.
The procedure went very smoothly. I had no complications and felt the improvement right away. I remember feeling a difference when they transferred me from the procedure table to my recovery bed.
In just a few months’ time, the difference was dramatic. At my six-month visit after the valves, I had a complete set of lung function tests done. When you compare those results to my pre-valve testing, it is hard to believe it’s the same person.
Since having the valves, I am leading a much more active retirement. Almost every day my wife and I walk a 2.3-mile loop at our local mall. I laugh when I tell people I am a “mall walker” now but it is amazing compared to life before receiving the valves, when just a short walk to the mailbox was hard.
I truly feel like this procedure gave me a second lease on life. This summer I was able to get back on the golf course. My wife and I are traveling again and we are even starting to think about taking some overseas trips.
I am back to doing the things I enjoy in life including spending time with family. We have a son and daughter and five grandchildren. We also have one great-grandson and we enjoy him so much. The whole family went to Cape Cod again this summer and I had no problem walking to the beach each day. My severe emphysema is not holding me back anymore.
I was excited to share my story to give others hope and make sure they know that there is another option now that can help you get your life back.
Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
¹Criner, G et al. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2018; 198(9):1151‒1164.
The Zephyr Valve has been shown to help patients breathe easier, do more, and enjoy life.1
Despite taking the best available medications, many patients with emphysema, a common form of COPD, suffer from hyperinflation of their lungs where air becomes trapped in the lungs, preventing fresh air from entering and thereby causing severe shortness of breath.
The Zephyr Valves reduce lung hyperinflation by allowing trapped air to escape and preventing new air from entering that diseased lobe. This allows the healthier parts of the lung to function better and results in patients being able to breathe more easily and experience less shortness of breath.
The valves are placed via bronchoscopy, with no incision or cutting, so these benefits are achieved without the risks of traditional surgical options. The procedure is usually complete in under an hour.
Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
I truly feel like this procedure gave me a second lease on life. This summer I was able to get back on the golf course. My wife and I are traveling again and we are even starting to think about taking some overseas trips.
– Jim